Here are a selection of illustrated nursery rhyme pages.
An illustrated nursery rhyme page featuring "Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son" with an image of a boy riding an Oxford Sandy & Black pig through the street, a pipe, a hot cross bun, a Chelsea bun, and an Eccles cake
Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son is an English nursery rhyme, which is believed to have been first recorded in the late 18th century.
In this tale, the 'pig' referred to is apparently not an animal, but a type of sweet pastry cake type thing (possibly with apple stuffing). However, I personally think that pigs not only make for a slightly more interesting subject (to draw AND look at), but are also more popular with children too.
The pig that I've chosen to illustrate here is an old breed called an Oxford sandy and black. They're currently an endangered breed, but existed in the 18th century.
Little Miss Muffet is one of the more well known English language nursery rhymes. 
Interestingly, whilst most visualisations of this story depict a 'tuffet' as being a three legged stool, it can also be interpreted as a small mound/ hill. With the information that we're given in this short rhyme, depending on your interpretation, the setting could be completely different.
Giant house spiders are quite common here in the UK, so I opted to depict this one instead of the default black beast that seems to appear in most children's illustrations.
An illustrated nursery rhyme page featuring a girl in a puffy dress, eating porridge, and giving a large spider the side eye
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